Fun Games for Teaching Inference
Inference is a key skill that we use on a constant basis throughout the day, without being consciously aware of it. The ability to infer is to deduce or conclude something from evidence and reasoning, rather than from an outright statement.
What Do You Say... What Do You Do... At School?
$110.45What Do You Say . . . What Do You Do . . . ® At School? By Nancy Crist and Rose Sheedy Grades K-8 Going to school has never been so cool! What Do You Say….What Do You Do…At School? is a colorful, fun, interactive board game...$110.45 -
Inferencing Chipper Chat
MSRP: $133.30$124.95Inferencing Chipper Chat® Laminated, Open-Ended Games with Magnetic Chips By Nancy Crist, Rose Sheedy, and the Super Duper Staff Grades K & Up, Ages 5 & Up Inferencing Chipper Chat is an exciting magnetic chip game that...MSRP: $133.30$124.95 -
Webber Inferencing Bingo
$112.90Webber® Inferencing™ Bingo Players combine their knowledge and experience with the clues given in the prompts to draw conclusions and develop answers in this race to be the first one to get five in a row–Bingo! This photo-packed...$112.90 -
Reading Between the Lines - 1 & 2
$130.90Reading Between the Lines - Teaching Children to Understand Inference & Reading Between the Lines - Set 2 Inference Skills for children aged 8-12 This book is designed for teachers and speech & language therapists working in the fields...$130.90 -
Cool In School
$127.90Cool in School® Board Game Cool in School is a receptive and expressive language game that uses 144 full-color photos to teach basic and advanced communication skills that students use every day in twelve areas Art...$127.90