
Focus on Manners! Fun Deck

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  • Focus on Manners! Fun Deck
  • Focus on Manners! Fun Deck
  • Focus on Manners! Fun Deck
  • Focus on Manners! Fun Deck
  • Focus on Manners! Fun Deck
Now: $27.68
Was: $33.23


Focus On Manners Fun Deck has 60 cards to help students talk about different types of behaviors they may see at school, in the community, and at home.

The front of each card has a colorful illustration.

The card back has a short story plus four follow-up questions.

Some cards depict students exhibiting appropriate manners and some show inappropriate behaviors.

All of the cards will help your students "focus" on manners.

Cards measure 3" x 5" and are stored in a sturdy storage tin.

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