Basic Concepts
We Supply Evidence-Based Games & Toys for Teaching Basic Concepts
When it comes to language development in early childhood, basic concept knowledge is crucial to understanding the terms that describe concepts like position, time, equality, quantity and comparisons.
Photo Sentence Building
$24.95Photo Sentence Building Fun Deck teaches students to formulate simple, compound, and complex sentences. These creatively photographed cards have four levels of sentence prompts beginning with one word (noun or verb) and ending with four words...$24.95 -
Sentence Building Fun Deck
$23.95Sentence Building Fun Deck® Help students build sentences with Sentence Building Fun Deck!Students use the cards to formulate simple, compound, and complex sentences. There are four levels of sentence prompts beginning with one word (noun or...$23.95 -
Sequencing Verb Tenses 2 - Regular & Irregular Verbs
$68.95Students learn to identify and use 48 additional verbs with Sequencing Verb Tenses 2! Each of the 24 regular and 24 irregular colourfully illustrated verbs are in three-step sequences (future, present, and past ). Choose an action...$68.95 -
Webber Basic Concepts Instructional Activity Program
$139.95Grades Pre K - 3. Webber Basic Concepts Instructional Activity Program provides a systematic way to teach the 54 basic concept pairs presented in the Wiig Assessment of Basic Concepts (WABC), receptively AND expressively...$139.95 -
First 100 Sight Words plus Sentence Building
$59.95We've super-sized this 233-card Super Fun Deck so your students learn basic sight words, practice parts of speech, learn proper punctuation, and make sentences. The 100 sight words cards are from the Dolch,...$59.95 -
100 Irregular Verbs in Sentences
$48.50Teach the past, present, and future tenses of irregular verbs with 100 Irregular Verbs in Sentences Photo Super Fun Deck. Each card front presents a full-colour photograph of the verb. The card back lists seven verb tenses in context within...$48.50 -
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Phrase Flips
Now: $68.95Was: $75.65Suitable for PreK-5. Help your children progress from single-syllable words to five-syllable phrases in three simple steps. This flip book will improve your child’s intelligibility of speech as they progresses through 16 sounds in the initial...Now: $68.95Was: $75.65 -
Magnetalk Turns and Topics
$139.95Suitable for Grades PreK-5 Teach basic game play and improve language development with this amazing resource. Regular games are often too overwhelming for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. With simple game boards and basic Topic Cards, this game...$139.95 -
Webber® Story Time Communication Boards
$106.85Webber Story Time Communication Boards teach students with limited verbal skills to recognise and use the most important vocabulary words in 20 popular storybooks. This versatile teaching tool allows students with language delays, autism, and other...$106.85 -
Word Joggers Exercises for Semantics and Word Retrieval
$89.95Super Duper® Word Joggers® Game is a semantics and word retrieval game with fun filled exercises or word description, antonyms, homonyms and multiple meaning words. Super Duper® Word Joggers® Game provides you with the option of...$89.95 -
200 More Sight Words plus Sentence Building
$87.95Help children expand their sight word knowledge with 200 More Sight Words Super Fun Deck containing 465 word cards and punctuation cards. This deck is a follow-up to the First 100 Sight Words Fun Deck. Cards #1-200 are additional...$87.95 -
Flamingo Bingo and Lotto! The Game of Position Words
$91.75Flamingo Bingo® and Lotto! Now, where did that Flamingo go? This two-in-one game teaches 16 position words in concept pairs for children at all skill levels. Concepts are: In/Out Around/Through Over/Under Above/Below On/Off Up/Down In...$91.75 -
CVC Spelling Board Games
$49.50This excellent set of 6 board games teaches letter-sound correspondences and early word building of CVC, CVCC and CCVC words. Ideal for small groups, these games reinforce phonemic awareness operations of isolating, blending and segmenting. Suitable for...$49.50 -
Webber Mini Verbs Photo Cards
$185.95Webber MINI Verbs Photo Cards presents 120 three-card sets of colour-coded photos targeting everyday activities in multiple contexts. The durable, laminated cards are excellent for naming, describing, identifying, comparing and contrasting,...$185.95 -
Webber Big Verbs Photo Cards
$249.95Build strong grammar and syntax skills with Webber BIG Verbs Photo Cards! These giant photos present 120 verbs across various contexts and meanings in three-card sets (360 full-colour photos). The durable, laminated cards are ideal for improving...$249.95 -
Early Language Development Pack
MSRP: $656.00$655.25Early Language Development Pack A great combination for both early language & pre-language stages. Suitable for little people, ASD, language delay & non-verbal language learning. For ages 2-5 years Pack includes: Processing...MSRP: $656.00$655.25 -
Webber Mini Verbs Photo Cards - Slight Box Damage
$185.95Box dented during shipping Webber MINI Verbs Photo Cards presents 120 three-card sets of colour-coded photos targeting everyday activities in multiple contexts. The durable, laminated cards are excellent for naming,...$185.95