
Simply Social 7 at School Book

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  • Simply Social 7 at School Book
  • Simply Social 7 at School Book
  • Simply Social 7 at School Book
  • Simply Social 7 at School Book
  • Simply Social 7 at School Book
  • Simply Social 7 at School Book
  • Simply Social 7 at School Book
  • Simply Social 7 at School Book
Now: $63.50
Was: $65.35


Simply Social 7 at School has 200 pages of activities to help students develop stronger social skills.
First students learn the Simply Social 7—the seven strategies that ensure positive relationships with their peers, teachers, parents, and other adults.
Then students apply their knowledge during extension activities.
Simply Social 7 at School reviews 50 topics that students with pragmatic difficulties struggle with the most.
Topics range from everyday skills such as following directions, using greetings, and turn-taking, to more complex skills like giving advice, understanding figurative language, and understanding facial
Simply Social 7 at School also includes a Social Skills Checklist to help you target where your students need help the most.
Each topic includes:
  • Simply Social 7 Steps page that uses a scripted lesson to teach the social skill.
  • Look and Learn page that uses a humorous cartoon scene to illustrate the social skill lesson.
  • Think and Review page that presents different social situations for students to analyze and discuss.
  • Take-Home Practice page that gives parents a practical way to review the social skill.
  • Simply Social Superstar that can be awarded to students when they demonstrate mastery of the skill.
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