Fun Games for Teaching Inference
Inference is a key skill that we use on a constant basis throughout the day, without being consciously aware of it. The ability to infer is to deduce or conclude something from evidence and reasoning, rather than from an outright statement.
'WH' Inference Question Cards Combo
MSRP: $124.91$104.95Once students learn to ask and answer basic “WH” questions (Who, What, When, Where, and Why), WH Inferencing Cards set helps them reach the next stage of “WH”development – inferencing. "WH" Inference...MSRP: $124.91$104.95 -
Auditory Memory for WH Questions Fun Deck
$23.95Your students will love listening to fun, short stories like “Spooky School” and “Pirate’s Houseboat,” and then answering WH questions about them! These 56 imaginative, illustrated cards have a short story and five...$23.95 -
Social Inferences
MSRP: $75.68$54.95• Suitable for grades 2-8• 63 social story cards targeting inferencing• Students read or listen to the presented story and choose the answer that is most appropriate.• 3 social areas targeted: personality, feelings and identification...MSRP: $75.68$54.95 -
Webber Inferencing Big Deck
$79.95This deck has 100 large photo cards, each with six follow-up questions to help children improve their inferencing skills. The colour-coded topic areas include: Associations (These items belong to...) Identify the Setting (Where is...$79.95 -
What Do You Say... What Do You Do... At School?
$110.45What Do You Say . . . What Do You Do . . . ® At School? By Nancy Crist and Rose Sheedy Grades K-8 Going to school has never been so cool! What Do You Say….What Do You Do…At School? is a colorful, fun, interactive board game...$110.45 -
Name That Category!
$21.60The Name That Category! Fun Deck includes 56 superbly illustrated cards for improving your students' describing, categorising, and organisational skills.Each card has three related pictures and words. Students name the category that...$21.60 -
Difficult Situations Fun Deck
$21.60Difficult Situations Fun Deck helps students discuss how they would react to a variety of stressful situations. For example, “Another student keeps looking at your answers during a test.” What would you do? Use these 56 illustrated...$21.60 -
Inferences For Sentence Completion
$51.45Making inferences involves drawing conclusions by using context clues and prior knowledge. The set of cards include six topic areas: Settings, Associations, Part to Whole, What Happened, Feelings, and Predicting. Each...$51.45 -
The Question Challenge Card Game
MSRP: $99.92$93.50The Question Challenge Card Game is an expressive and receptive language card game that targets social skills and reasoning. Students practice skills that are necessary for effective communication and problem solving. The Question...MSRP: $99.92$93.50 -
Auditory Processing Quick Take Alongs
$24.95Auditory Processing Quick Take Along Mini-Bookis a pocket-sized resource for the busy speech-language pathologist, special educator, teacher, and parent. Use the lists for introducing or practicing listening and comprehension skills. This Mini-Book...$24.95 -
Reading Between the Lines - Teaching Children to Understand Inference
MSRP: $90.99$66.45This book is designed for teachers and speech & language therapists working in the fields of language and literacy, and concerned with developing inferencing skills in their students. The ability to draw inference is a crucial element in the...MSRP: $90.99$66.45 -
What Would You Do in The Community If...
$21.60Suitable for Grades K-3.Students discuss how to react appropriately when faced with different situations within their community by answering these thought-provoking questions. 56 illustrated question cards Content cards Game...$21.60 -
Inferencing Chipper Chat
MSRP: $133.30$124.95Inferencing Chipper Chat® Laminated, Open-Ended Games with Magnetic Chips By Nancy Crist, Rose Sheedy, and the Super Duper Staff Grades K & Up, Ages 5 & Up Inferencing Chipper Chat is an exciting magnetic chip game that...MSRP: $133.30$124.95 -
Webber Inferencing Big Deck 2
$79.95Help students develop inferencing skills with Webber Inferencing Big Deck 2. These cards present 100 clear color photos on one side and prompts on the back of the photo. Students draw a conclusion about something not clearly...$79.95 -
Inferencing Skill Strips
MSRP: $92.51$61.95Logic is the ability to think through problems and use strategies to solve them. These skills are important for early learning and literacy development. Inferencing Skill Strips contains 120 double-sided cards (240 items) that address four...MSRP: $92.51$61.95 -
Complex S Clusters
$21.60Complex S Clusters Fun Deck has 58 cards that challenge your students to produce the S sound in three-consonant blends. It includes eight pairs of cards for five initial clusters: SKR, SKW, SPL, SPR, and STR, and six pairs of cards for...$21.60 -
On Sale
Speaking, Listening and Understanding - Games and Activities for 5-7 Year Olds 2nd Ed.
MSRP: $98.99Now: $71.95Was: $78.95Speaking, Listening and Understanding is a practical resource packed full of games to improve young children’s communication skills. The second edition of this bestselling resource contains a programme of games and activities to foster the...MSRP: $98.99Now: $71.95Was: $78.95 -
Auditory Memory for Riddles
$21.60Improve your students' listening, concentration, and memory skills with this 56 card Fun Deck.To play, the teacher reads the three clues aloud from a card and then asks "What am I?" The players must listen carefully to remember the...$21.60 -
Inferencing with Verbs Fun Deck
$27.95Inferencing with Verbs Fun Deck uses colourful illustrations and sentence clues to help younger students name the verb that describes what is happening in each scene. Extra game ideas and extension activities in this deck give older...$27.95 -
Vocabulary Quick Take Along
$24.95Vocabulary Quick Take Along Mini-Bookis a pocket-sized resource for the busy speech-language pathologist, special educator, teacher, and parent. Use these lists to teach word retrieval, word knowledge, or any receptive or expressive vocabulary...$24.95